
Inspire me with all of the beautiful items that make up the whole of you.  Give me round red balls of delicious fruit intended just for me.  Show me blue that covers the sky, reminding me that I can breath and feel the life giving goodness of a breath of fresh air.  Allow me to hear chirps, howls and buzzing, filling my ears with lovely sounds of life.

Purple Burst

Purple Burst


Team work.

Kiss me.

Pins & Needles.

Look at me!

34 responses to “Life

  1. Never ever paid attention to leaves before, to me the interesting parts of any plant are the flowers and the fruit but never the LEAF. But here come the leaves joining together in teamwork and I realise how intricately beautiful they actually are! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. You are very poetic and mindful of the gifts surrounding you and all of us, too! The photographs are wonderful, thanks for your talents you share with us!

  3. Love your way of looking at life- b y listening and observing- beautiful pictures. I feel like I’m getting to “know you” through your camera lens. Nice work!

    • Thanks jser.. and do you like what you see? 😉 Now you have that song “Getting to know you. getting to know all about you.” stuck in my head.

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