Tinge of the unknown

Halls Creek Wood preserve is a beautiful but somewhat creepy place.  The preserve is meant to be rustic and undeveloped.  Living in neat suburbia, I am accustomed to everything being in order and well manicured.  Perhaps this is why, being in a place like this, makes me feel like something mystical is nearby.  Regardless, the beauty of the land, coupled with the tinge of the unknown, makes this a fun place to explore.

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Tree of horror.

No one, just you and me.

Saving sun.

Through the clearing and up the steps.

At the river bank.

The creek

Beaver’s view.




68 responses to “Tinge of the unknown

  1. I love the wild! Love for the unmanicured mess is exactly why I hate campuses like UCLA or USC and much prefer UC Davis. WILD!

  2. Love it! It reminds me of a place I went with a friend to burn a broken cupboard, found of the side of the street… This was at night, but if it were in the day, I feel it would have looked very similar to this place.

  3. At first glance this looks like a creepy place… but a couple of images, “shadows” in particular are imbued with a wonderful peace… such a paradox, and lovely collection! Thanks for sharing them!

  4. Ah, but that’s the very adventure of the ‘disorderly’, isn’t it, Seth? It shakes us out of our comfort zone. From a wider perspective it’s striking to see these images compared to the more traditional colour and beauty we see in your ‘standard’ work. It serves to make us think which is great.

  5. Spooky. An early morning walk with some mist and moving fog … oh, I’ll bet that would make the back of your neck tingle. The black and white treatment just enhances the mood. Thanks!!!

  6. I love the pics but even more so that you decided to shoot in Black and White! It gives the trees and surroundings a eerie creepy look and feel! “Beaver’s View” looks like something out of a horror movie I expected to see a creepy darkly dressed figure in the distance…

  7. I shouldn’t like to have to make a run for it in the night there with those mute trees arching over me … looks like a good place to explore before ‘Saving Sun’ is spent 😉

  8. Some of these were kind of creepy but still awesome. I like the last one “discarded”…when I went hiking in the park i saw some odd trash scattered about in the woods. I saw furniture too like couches and mattresses. It made me think who really dragged that stuff all the way to the middle of the woods lol.

  9. Great gallery again, but I’m not really a big fan of sepia or black & white. I want color in my world .. even if its only a dash. Hope you have a great weekend.

  10. wow…these are great photos…I think the b&w contributes to the somewhat “creepy” feel, but I think like you… because I live in a city, these types of photos hold a special interest to me…I’m sure they would look completely different in colour…

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