What do you see? Rose Island

It’s time again to tell me a story. This photo comes from a very lovely place that was our final stop on our 2019 Northern European cruise. A lot happened between Tallinn and this stop. Be sure to stop by in a few days to read how our cruise adventured turned a bit sour.

The rules:

(1) Write me a short story, a thought, emotion, or even a word on the following photo. I look forward to reading what your mind comes up with!

(2) Have fun!

Once again, bonus points if you can guess the location.

One response to “What do you see? Rose Island

  1. This photo reminds me that in recent years I’ve started to literally stop and smell the roses. When I’m walking somewhere and I see large blooming roses like this, I’ll make sure to take a pause to smell them. It’s something that as a child I would have been too awkward to do (who’s going to see, will I look weird?) but now I’m nearly 30, I just don’t care what others think! If someone was to think I was weird, then it’s them that’s missing out on the wonderful smell of roses. And who knows, maybe someone who has seen me do it, now does it as well? Or someone who’s reading this will also make the effort now? It just gives you an excuse to pause, take note of a single, beautiful smell, then keep going about your day, slightly lighter footed.

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